
The configuration file

Once you have the Therapist pre-commit hook installed you will need to configure the actions that will be run before each commit. This is done with a .therapist.yml configuration file.

Add a file called .therapist.yml to the root directory of your project. The configuration file describes a set of actions like so:

        run: flake8 {files}
        include: "*.py"
            - "docs\*.py"
            - "migrations\*.py"
        description: ESLint
        run: yarn eslint {files}
        fix: yarn eslint --fix {files}
            - "*.js"
            - "*.jsx"

Action definitions

There are several optional parameters that you can specify for a action. They are:

run:This is the actual command to be run. You may use the named placeholder {files} which be replaced with a space-separated list of files that were modified and added to the commit.
fix:This is the command to be run when the --fix option is used. You may use the named placeholder {files} which be replaced with a space-separated list of files that were modified and added to the commit.
description:A short description of the command that is used to identify the command in the output. If it is longer than 68 characters, it will be truncated. If no description is provided it will default to the name of the command.
include:This can be a single string or list strings of UNIX filename patterns. Files that match any of the patterns will be passed through to the command through {files} unless they match a pattern in the exclude parameter.
exclude:This can be a single string or a list of strings of UNIX filename patterns. Files that match any of the patterns will never be passed through to the command through {files}.